
Name: Jamal Williams
Hometown: London, Ontario
Day job or school or other: HB Beal Secondary school
Involvement in athletics (athlete, coach, official) and event: Athlete-60m,100m,200m,4x100m,4x200m
Other hobby: Playing/watching Basketball
Favorite athlete/ superhero: Andre Degrasse
Favorite piece of equipment/ clothing: Hoodie
What shoes you train in/ compete in: Nike rival s
Social media handles (if you would like them shared on our website and email releases): Ig:@the.real.jwilli


I am currently an athlete competing with London Western Track & Field. I compete in the 60m, 100m,200m,4x100m and the 200m. I train on a daily basis to hopefully compete on a higher level. I am currently a grade 11 student from HB Beal Secondary school, l hope someday I will be able to compete with a varsity team in post-secondary!