Name: Kristi Ryan
Hometown: Windsor
Day job or school or other: High school math teacher
Involvement in athletics (athlete, coach, official) and event: Coach (combined events, jumps, sprints)
Other hobby: Running, working out
Favorite athlete/ superhero: Damian Warner
Favourite piece of equipment/ clothing: Med ball
What shoes you train in/ compete in: Asics GT2000
Social media handles: @windsorlegiontf
When I am not showing off my nerdy side teaching math, I am at the track. I coach the majority of the ‘speed – power’ athletes with Windsor Legion, so it is not unusual to find me running around to various event groups. We call it organized chaos. In the event that I get away from the track, I enjoy running and spending time with my fur kids (a basset hound named Rosco and a cat named Pebbles).