Important: Club Requirements Changes

We hear you. Based on various feedback that has been provided by our membership, the Board has directed a review of the Membership Policy. Based on this direction, the new club requirements set to be effective January 1, 2019, will be postponed until the 2020 membership renewal process begins. As a part of this review, […]

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Athletics Ontario Board of Directors

This past Sunday December 9, the new Athletics Ontario Board of Directors met for the first time, where they reviewed decisions made at the Annual General Meeting. As announced at the meeting, Lisa Ferdinand has stepped down from her position as Chair of the Board, and we want to extend our most sincere thank you to […]

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Jumpstart Grant Applications Now Open

We are excited to announce that the Jumpstart Accessibility Grants have officially opened for 2019 funding submissions! In 2018, Jumpstart provided funding to 9 exciting projects across Canada to assist with enhancing accessibility to recreation facilities for kids of all abilities. We look forward to Jumpstart’s continuous work to remove barriers to sport and play […]

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