2020 Canadian Indoor Championships Cancelled

For frequent updates visit: Athetics Ontario COVID-19 Updates

NOTICE: In light of the Government of Quebec’s announcement today, Athletics Canada has decided to cancel the 2020 Canadian Indoor U16 / U18 / U20 National Championships in Montreal. To read more please visit https://athletics.ca/u16-u18-u20-indoor-championships-cancelled/.

Athletics Ontario (AO) recognizes that the risk of contracting COVID-19 in Ontario remains very low.  However, the situation is very fluid and evolving and AO is working closely with Athletics Canada (AC) to monitor the facts, determine whether any new measures need to be taken to mitigate risks for our members and to keep the athletics community well informed.

Although our indoor provincial championships have concluded, the busy outdoor season is fast approaching.  That’s why, on March 10th, Athletics Canada convened a meeting of its senior leadership team to discuss COVID-19 and its potential effect on upcoming competitions, training camps, and athlete travel.  The following decisions were made:

  • Given the current advice from the COPSIN Sport Medicine Advisory Committee (subject to change given their planned every 48 hr update plan), we believe that we can currently go forward with camps/competitions/events scheduled in Canada and the United States. This would be both for athletes on their own programs, as well as AC led/directed events.
  • It is HIGHLY recommended that no member of Athletics Canada travel outside North America, for any reason, until at least April 12/2020.
  • For anyone who decides to disregard this non North American travel advisory, you will be ineligible to use Athletics Canada CAPP support (dollars, travel bookings facilitated by AC, etc.) until at least April 12/2020.  You will be undertaking any such travel at your own risk, and at your own cost.
  • Athletics Canada will not hold any camps, or participate in any competitions outside of North American until at least April 12/2020.

To read the full article and stay up to date with AC decisions regarding this rapidly changing situation please visit: https://athletics.ca/athletics-canada-covid-19-advisory-guidance/.

Athletics Ontario is committed to supporting the needs and safety of our members and encourages everyone to stay well informed of the COVID-19 situation and to be cautious when travelling and training in large-group settings, especially those that take place in a shared facilities and public spaces.

The Government of Ontario has also created the following site to update the public on the provincial situation, symptoms and recommended protective measures for all members of the public:  https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus.

For regular updates regarding the effects of COVID-19 on Ontario track and field, please frequently visit our COVID-19 Updates page.

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