AO Governing Documents
Athletics Ontario and all organizations affiliated with AO including, but not limited to, Leagues, Clubs, Associate Members, and all AO Registrants are governed by, and subject to, where applicable, the following AO Governing Documents:
- AO-ByLaws: The AO By-Laws provide the structure and framework for the governance of AO. The By-Laws are approved by the Board of Directors.
- AO Policies: (UPDATED DECEMBER 2017) An AO Policy is a position adopted by the Board of Directors that directs a definitive course of action for the organization to enhance consistent decision-making throughout the organization. The AO Operational Procedures are the specific methods or processes used to implement the policies of the organization.
- AO Policies shall be developed by Staff and approved by the Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors. When required, the development and approval of some Operational Procedures may be delegated to other groups/Committees.
- Governing Documents of World Athletics & AC: The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) is the International Sport Governing Body. Athletics Canada (AC) is the National Sport Governing Body in Canada.
- Letters Patent and Supplemental Letters Patent
- Articles of Amendment
Policies |
AO Safe Sport Policy Manual
The Safe Sport Policy Manual includes the following:
Revised Oct, 2023. |
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