“Back on Track” National Task Force Has Been Established

On May 14, 2020 the Premier released stage 1 of the provinces Framework for Reopening our Province. It has outlined select sports to resume activities and athletics is among that group. Since this announcement, a national task force titled “Back on Track” has been formed to develop nation-wide guidelines and framework for the return to sport process. Documents explaining Athletics Ontario’s recommendations for the sport of athletics can be expected for distribution within the coming week.

As the ministry has stated, activities should only be undertaken as directed by the governing provincial or national sport organization. At this time, no group activity or training will be sanctioned, nor endorsed by Athletics Ontario. AO’s training expectations will not be changing from previous communications until the national task force has provided further recommendations for a “phase one” roll out.

The full document, A Framework for Reopening our Province: stage 1, can be found on the Government of Ontario’s website here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/reopening-ontario-after-covid-19. (See page six regarding means for outdoor, recreational, and seasonal activities).

Athletics Ontario is fully committed to the health and safety of its members. As such, we appreciate your patience and understanding in knowing we are working diligently to create framework that ensures the utmost safety for all of our members.

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