Bulletin: 2013/2014 AAP Carding Application Deadline- CAIP Reminder

Dear Athletes, Coaches and Branches,

This is an important reminder about the upcoming deadline to submit an application for the 2013/2014 Athlete Assistance Program- Olympic Stream.

Applications must be received by September 30th, 2013.  Applications can be submitted via e-mail ([email protected]) or fax (1-613-260-0341).

If approved for carding, you will be contacted to set up a face-to-face meeting with our head coach Peter Eriksson and your personal group event coach.

Please click here for full carding criteria.  The application form is on page 8 of the criteria.

Also, for those athletes who are enrolled with CAIP, please submit your claims to me directly to the address below and NOT to Mike Johnson at SSQ.
Thanks in advance,

Have a great day!

Corey Dempsey
Athlete Services Coordinator
Coordonnateur des services aux athlètes
2445 St-Laurent Blvd, Suite B1-110, Ottawa, ON, K1G 6C3
Tel 613.260.5580 ext. 3312 / Fax 613.260.0341