Coach Nominations for Ontario Midget Dual Team due Friday January 6

The application deadline for Coach nominations for the Ontario Midget Team are due this Friday January 6, 2017. The Ontario vs Quebec Midget dual meet will be held February 11th, 2017 at the Toronto Track and Field Centre (TTFC). Coach nomination application forms and Athlete Selection Criteria are now available. The annual competition brings some of the top midget aged (2002-2003) athletes to compete for the title of best in Central Canada! 2017.

NEW THIS YEAR* Trials will be held January 28th at the Toronto Track and Field Centre. All athletes interested in being considered for the team will be required to submit a declaration of interest.

Events Being Offered

60m Long Jump
60m H Triple Jump
300m Pole Vault
800m Shot Put
2000m Weight Throw
1500m RW Relay (4x200m)
High Jump

For full details, please visit: