Final Ontario Midget Team Roster Named

The final list of Team Ontario members to compete in Saturday’s ON vs QC midget match has been released.

The list includes events in which team members are entered as non-scorers.  Team athletes and their coaches are asked to look over the list and advise Roman Olszewski if additions or deletions need to be made.  Team members who have not done so already are reminded to submit their signed parental release forms and waiver forms.  The team meeting will take place near the 60m finish line area at 9:00 a.m.  Throwers please make note that the weight throw has been re-scheduled to take place at 9:00 am.  Please check the final competition schedule when it is released.

ON vs. QC Midget Team   as on February 12, 2015
60m Sydonni Merrick FLYA
Chelsea Agyemang FLYA
Elizabeth Martin BRMP
4x200m Pool: Merrick, Agyemang, Martin, Diop, Senior, Witherspoon, Gibson
Colaire, Saldutto, Hayhoe, Beharry
300m Skyy Diop DGAZ
Eden Senior PATF
Holly Gibson DGAZ
Chelsea Agyemang (non-scorer) FLYA
Sydonni Merrick (non-scorer) FLYA
Anna Witherspoon (non-scorer) DLEG
800m Jocelyn Chau UTTC
Mackenzie Morgan LAUR
Benet Avery PHNX
2000m Victoria Bouck LLEG
Kansas MacKay DURA
Kaitlyn Lynch HOC
Madison Greig (non-scorer) SSD
60mH Anna Witherspoon DLEG
Sarah Saldutto NRA
Shelea Colaire DLEG
HJ Lexi Kundlacz BLEG
Robin Clark YREG
Autumn Bigger NRA
Abbey Gibb (non-scorer) WLEG
PV Breanna Hayhoe BTPV
Anais Beharry BTPV
LJ Sarah Saldutto NRA
Olivia Galas NRA
Caitlyn Hamm NRA
Abbey Gibb (non-scorer) WLEG
Akshana Sivanathan (non-scorer) UTSC
TJ Caitlyn Hamm NRA
Akshana Sivanathan UTSC
Abbey Gibb WLEG
SP Trinity Tutti TGRT
Sarah Saldutto NRA
Madura Muraleetharan UTSC
Weight Trinity Tutti TGRT
60m Justin Mensah CNTR
Sanjade Hylton FLYA
Christian Hill CCCX
Bradley Pinkrah (non-scorer) SHOK
Malik Ballentyne-Campbell (non-scorer) FLYA
4x200m Pool: Mensah, Hylton, Hill, Sines, Pinkrah, Ballentyne-Stewart, Mather, Jeyakumar
McCarroll, Azolli
300m Isac SInes FLYA
Justin Mensah CNTR
Christian Hill CCCX
Malik Ballentyne-Campbell (non-scorer) FLYA
Sanjade Hylton   non-scorer FLYA
800m Alec Purnell HOC
Odosa Ojo-Ukanah FLYA
Kyle Koyanagi LLEG
2000m Thomas Witkowicz DURH
Marcus Kemp LAUR
Ibrahim Kedir PHNX
Finn Mills (non-scorer) HOC
60mH Liam Mather LLEG
Tanner Smyth STL
Daniele Azzoli CTRO
Hayden Bell (non-scoring) STL
1500m Walk Pau Ilerbaig UTTC
HJ Hayden Bell STL
Tanner Smyth STL
Liam Mather LLEG
LJ Joshua Mccarroll FLYA
Kosaram Gumarathas BRMP
Hayden Bell STL
TJ Joshua McCarroll FLYA
Thanosan Balakumar UTSC
Kosaram Gumarathos BRMP
SP Jerome Jeyakumar UTSC
Bradley Pinkrah SHOK
Callan Saldutto NRA
Jeremy Elliott (non-scorer) SAUG
Weight Jeremy Elliott SAUG

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