The Hamilton Olympic Club (HOC) the oldest track and field organization in Canada, has recently received a $150,000 Capital Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. These funds will be directed towards the ongoing development of the Mohawk Sports Park, Track & Field Complex, the only public outdoor track & field facility in the City of Hamilton. Combined with the original project budget of $650,000, HOC has been successful in securing additional funding from various levels of government including grants, donations and corporate sponsorship which will reach a total investment of nearly $1.5 million dollars by this time next year. Most of these funds have been directed towards capital infrastructure improvements which includes a new high performance track surface (Beynon BSS–1000); installation of a new discus/hammer cage; and accessibility improvements to various evet areas. This latest round of funding will be directed towards further infrastructure improvements including equipment storage facilities; electronic timing and result board; and $56,000 towards new pole vault equipment.
This was a collaborative project and in addition to the City of Hamilton, the Golden Horseshoe Track & Field Council represented nearly a dozen community stakeholders who provided a shared vision and long term plan to make this a sustainable public facility to meet the needs of our local track & field community. Our members include the Hamilton Olympic Club; Stoney Creek Athletics; Hamilton Elite Athletic Team; Monte Cristo Track Club; Hamilton Accessible Sports Council; Hamilton Special Olympics Track & Field Team; Hamilton CANUSA Track & Field Team; Dundas Valley Track Club; and the 91st Highlanders Athletic Association.