Hosting Bid Kits for 2014 AO Championship and Prep Series Meets Released

Bid kits for the following 2014 AO Championships and Prep Series competitions are now available for clubs/groups affiliated with Athletics Ontario:

1.  Indoor Prep Meet #1 (Sunday, January 26)
2.  Indoor Prep Meet #2 (Sunday, February 9)
3.  Indoor Youth-Senior (February 15-16)
4.  Indoor Bantam-Midget-Junior (March 1-2)
5.  Indoor Relays, Combined Events and Field Allcomers (March 23)
6.  10,000m Track (Junior Men and Senior Men and Women) (May?)
7.  10km Road Walk (Junior and Senior Men (June?)
8.  Senior Combined Events Championships (May?)
9.  AO Spring Prep Meet & C.E. Chps. for B,M,Y,J (June 14-15)
10.  Outdoor Junior-Senior (July 19-20). Note: Date changed.
11.  Outdoor Bantam-Midget-Youth (August 2-3)
12.  20km Road Walk (Senior Men and Women) (September 28?)
13.  Cross Country (November 16)

Please note that the AO-Local Host Organizing Committee profit-sharing arrangement and financial responsibilities have not been finalized and are subject to change based on the AO Finance Committees recommendations.  The agreements will not have to be signed by the successful LHOC’s until the profit-sharing formula is announced.

All groups bidding for a championship or prep meet must complete the main application (or at least the relevant parts). Bidders for a track and field event should also complete Bid Appendix 1 and bidders for off-track events must complete the appropriate section in Bid Appendix 2.

Please send bid applications to:  [email protected]. The deadline for submission of documents is Monday November 18.  Also, if you would like to receive any of the above documents in a different file format, please email [email protected].

For further information please contact Roman Olszewski at [email protected]