Important Request Related to Canada Games Selection and Documentation

All athletes competing at the Canada Games Trials and contending for spots on the team this weekend are encouraged to pre-register for Team Ontario by going to the following site:

Registration can be done at Windsor with the assistance of Canada Games Mission staff but it will save everyone time if most of the registration is done before the Trials begin. The due date of Monday, June 24 mentioned in the kit has been extended for Athletics members to this weekend.  Athletes who will register in Windsor are requested to bring with them:

  • Emergency contact information (Name and phone #)
  • Family Physician Name and Place
  • Medical info (conditions)
  • OHIP information (#) and any other medical plans
  • Immunization records (disease and year administered)
  • Current Sport Involvement and past sort achievements
  • Photo as per specs given

Please note that there will be an athlete fee of $120 per selected athlete charged to help cover the cost of competition training suit, singlet and shorts.  Payment may be made cheque at the Trials (payable to Athletics Ontario) or can be paid by credit card by calling the AO office next week.

In addition to these items, each Canada Games team member will receive other official team clothing, bags, etc. at no charge, thanks to Team Ontario.