
Name: Madison Wilson-Walker
Nickname: Madie
Hometown: Avon, Ontario (near London)
Day job or school or other: Lord Dorchester Secondary School (Kings University College in the fall)
Involvement in athletics (athlete, coach, official) and event: Athlete; Sprints (100,200,400), and just started long jump
Other hobby: Leisure horse back riding (former competitive show jumper, former figure skater)
Favorite athlete/ superhero: Damian Warner
Favourite piece of equipment/ clothing: Running Blades
What shoes you train in/ compete in: Ossur Running Blades (Nike Free Runs when on walking legs)
Social media handles: Twitter & Instagram: madiewx2
My name is Madison Wilson-Walker I am 18 years old and a bi-lateral amputee from a small rural community outside of London Ontario.  When I was three years old I contracted a rare form of meningitis and as a result both of my legs needed to be amputated below the knee.

When I was four I was left in the care of my grandparents and sitting around was not an option.  I was involved in various sports like swimming, horseback riding, figure skating, golf and now track and field.  I have a disability but that has not held me back. I compete in track in field with my school, my track club, and the Canadian team.  I compete in the sprint events wearing carbon fibre running blades that make it possible for me to run as normal as possible.  My goal is to qualify for the 2016 para Olympics in RIO as well as future para Olympics and world championships.

I will train harder than ever to make sure my goal is met. I train hard every day in order to be the best that I can be and do a lot of training outside of club practices. It is important to me to keep up my physical fitness so that I can perform to the best of my ability. Health and wellbeing are just as important. Not only is it important to stay nutritionally healthy but to stay mentally healthy as well. I know that I am capable of doing anything anyone else can if I put my mind to it even though I have a disability. I grew up with the words “never say can’t” drilled into me and I live to those words still today.