Newsflash – Programs (Courses & Workshops & Equipment)

Athletics Ontario NEWSFLASH!!


Tuesday April 12th, AO hosted the first AO CONNECT  CALL – an interactive, informative call for both registered Coaches and AO Club Administrators/ Presidents. Our first call had approximately 20 attendees and the feedback received both on the call and afterwards was both positive and constructive.
These meetings will be facilitated monthly to review updates and activities happening or being proposed for the sport and/ or organization and to receive input, updates, and feedback from some of our key influencers in the sport. A summary of briefing material to be discussed on the call was circulated in advanced to all via email and posted on AO’s website (under Toolbox Tab). A follow up feedback form was sent to capture questions/ concerns and the meeting was recorded and conversation captured and posted to the website as well.
  • SAVE THE DATE: Our next AO CONNECT Call #2 is scheduled for Thursday May 19 at 7:00 pm EST; details on the meeting were emailed directly to Coaches and Clubs – please accept the invite for details on how to connect/ join the call.


Para Try-IT Day (Coaches and Athletes) –
COACHES – Athletics Ontario is offering an opportunity for Coaches to gain knowledge and open their repetoire of facilitation and education to Athletes of all abilities.
ATHLETES – This is also an opportunity for athletes of all skills and abilities to attend an informative and fun workshop!
  • Date: Saturday May 7, 2016
  • Location: Toronto Track and Field Centre
  • Time: 10:00 – 12:00 pm Coach Development (Para, Basic Rules, Classification)
  • Time: 1:00 – 3:30 pm Athletes and Coaches; training for the events (Seated Throws, Ambulatory)
  • Registration: to register for this FREE event, go to TRACKIE
  • Questions: for more information, please contact AO [email protected]


Athletics Ontario has track and field and event hosting equipment ready to be rented for your athletics competitions and/or events.
  • Rental Agreement: a new rental agreement form and process is available here.
  • Rental Costs: Members will get preferential rental costs; a short breakdown of the rental costs for implements is as follows:
    • o   $5 per implement
    • o   Package: 10 – 20 implements for $50 (members), $75 (non-members)
    • o   Package: 20+ implements for $70 (members, $95 (non-members)
    • Available Equipment: a complete list/ catalogue of available implements/ equipment available for rental can be found here.


Athletics Ontario is offering a variety of coaching courses this spring, summer and fall. For more details, please check out our coaching courses page here.
  • Note: it is mandatory that all AO Clubs’ coaches be registered with AO for the season.
  • Note: athletes applying to the Quest for Gold Program are required to have a coach that maintains a minimum Level 2/ Club Coach Certification (see pathway).

COURSES/ EVALUATION OPPORTUNITY (Pre-Junior Championships in Toronto [host hotel TBA])

  • June 25/ 26 – Evaluation Course – Evaluation and Portfolio Updates required in advance and review of coaching delivery by an NCCP Evaluator; visit ACwebsite to start process
  • June 24 -Making Ethical Decisions (MED) Course -Free for AO members; open to all sports ($30 for non- AO Members/ Other Sports) and Coaches Association of Ontario; registration on TRACKIE


  • Opportunities for Schools –(Primary -RJTW and Secondary-NCCP)
The coaching course outline/ modules have been modified to cater to the specific needs of teachers and meet the needs of the OPHEA/ OFSAA requirements for safety training (Sept. 2016 deadline). For more information on the courses and contact information to set up a coaching course for teachers/ volunteers, please visit the Athletics Ontario Coaching Certification page here.


  • Brand Ambassadors: There are many opportunities to engage with Athletics Ontario – our Brand Ambassador Program launched last month (March); get to know some of Athletics’ role models (coaches, volunteers, athletes and officials)HERE
  • Volunteer Registration: to sign up for upcoming opportunities to give back and participate in events, AO Junior Championships in Toronto on June 25-26 – register on the AO VolunteerPortal HERE
 ~Athletics Ontario Team