
Name: Phil Martin

Nickname: pmartyy

Hometown: Guelph
Day job or school or other: Technical Manager, Textile Development at Vintex in Mount Forest.
Involvement in athletics (athlete, coach, official) and event: Recreational Marathoner; Assistant Coach, Speed River Junior Distance Group; AO Official – Track & Field
Other hobby: I love watching English soccer.  My team is Everton. “Come on you blues!”
Favorite athlete/ superhero: I grew up watching Seb Coe and Steve Ovett battle it out; I could never choose between them.  Current favourite would have to be Mo Farah.
Favourite piece of equipment/ clothing: I have a Lululemon half-zip long sleeve that’s served me well for many years…if only I could find another like it.
What shoes you train in/ compete in: New Balance; currently wearing Vazee Pace & 1400v2.  No such thing as too many shoes!
Social media handles: Facebook: phil.martin.66

Twitter: @dingas66

Instagram: philmartin_66


200 word blurb about you (a quick fun piece on your involvement in athletics and your life outside of it)     

I haven’t always been a runner.  I’m a former couch potato whose ‘mid life crisis’ saw running shoes being chosen instead of a sporty convertible in an attempt to control the ever expanding waistline. Having once questioned the sanity of anyone that could possibly be out running for pleasure I found myself giving it a go and little by little, “Why would anyone do that?” has become a passionate “Everyone should do that!”.  I was a late starter; you could say I was kind of slow out the blocks.  Very slow.  Encouraged by the help and support of the running community, I’ve challenged myself to go further and faster. From the humble beginnings of ‘Phil’s Phirst 5k’ I’m proud and excited to be running my 4th consecutive Boston Marathon this year.

I’ve been truly rewarded by my running experience, none more so than when I’m able to give something back.  Coaching has provided me with such an opportunity and I’m particularly grateful to Speed River TFC for making me ‘one of the family’ and to the hard working athletes of the junior distance group who never fail to inspire me.  I’ve also recently become an Athletics Ontario official where I’m working hard and being mentored to officiate high jump and pole vault; coincidentally the current men’s world champions in both these disciplines are Canadian.  Here’s hoping that somewhere along the way, either as a coach or an official, I can cross paths with the next generation of champions and help them on their way.

I run with enthusiasm year round, I race hard, I coach with passion and I officiate with integrity.  I’m now proud to say I’m an Athletics Ontario Brand Ambassador for 2016.