Quest for Gold Athlete Assistance Program * Criteria Updated

Quest for Gold

2016 Criteria Published – QUEST for GOLD Athlete Assistance Program 

May 2, 2016

On Tuesday April 19, 2016, Athletics Ontario extended the opportunity for Coaches, Athletes, Members, and Administrators alike to provide feedback/ input on the upcoming season’s Quest for Gold 2016 – 2017 Athlete Selection Criteria (Due Monday April 25) LINK to POST.

The input was constructive and useful – the goal of this process was to gain perspective on some of the updated 2016 – 2017 Q4G Criteria as it relates to the applicant and/or their coach (i.e. season planning, performances, requirements, etc.).

With the feedback, Athletics Ontario is excited to publish/ post the revised version to the website to help athletes and coaches understand the requirements to apply for the Athlete Assistance funding program (i.e. Coaches of athletes must maintain a Level 2 NCCP certification or higher, requirements for attendance at events, scoring updates, etc.).