Name: Raymond Dykstra
Hometown: Grimsby, ON
Day job or school or other: Full Time Athlete
Involvement in athletics (athlete, coach, official) and event: Athlete
Favorite athlete/ superhero: Scott Russell (Canadian National Javelin Record Holder)
–       Awesome Dude and Idol since I started throwing the Javelin
Favourite piece of equipment/ clothing: Shoes and Sunglasses,
I always appreciate a new pair of nice running shoes and shades to protect my eyes. J
What shoes you train in/ compete in: Nike Javelin Spikes, Nike Running Shoes
Social media handles: @Ray_Dykstra_CAN
Training Full Time for the Olympic Games at the Athletics Canada Eastern Hub, Located at the Toronto Track Center/York University. I have been throwing for 8 years now with no initial intentions that Track and Field would take me this far. I was initially a soccer player turned into Javelin thrower all by “Fluke”. After a successful High School Career, I received a Scholarship to the University of Kentucky, (USA), and have spent the past 4 years, pursuing and completing a degree in Kinesiology. The NCAA was a great stepping stone to my athletic career, receiving numerous NCAA honours, and has now lead me to pursue my Olympic dream.

Growing up, I never planned on being Javelin thrower nor did I ever think that one day I would be competing for my country on the world stage. This sport has provided me with amazing opportunities such as a university scholarship, meeting famous athletes, traveling the world, competing for Team Canada and much more. I would encourage all to try this sport as who knows where it will take you.