Our AO Team wants to connect with YOU! A number of emails have been sent directly to AO Club Administrators and Coaches to engage in our next AO CONNECT Team Call this Thursday May 19th! Please accept the invitation for the call (below and in email).
Dear Club Presidents & Coaches,
We would like to invite you to join our 2nd AO Connect Team Meeting on Thursday May 19 at 7:00 pm.
Athletics Ontario kicked off a new program last month – the AO CONNECT TEAM!
- Purpose – the purpose of this program is to meet/ connect monthly with some of the key drivers at the helm of our sport – Coaches and Club Presidents! AO wants to inform you of updates to our activities and seek input and feedback from you on what changes you would like to see. It’s also a chance to collect any news/ updates from you about your club or athletes (i.e. best practices, good news stories, challenges, etc.).
- Concept – This will be an interactive, informative call – GO To Meeting interface will be set up to conference call/ video with AO staff via phone or computer.
- Date/ Time: the next meeting/ call will take place on THURSDAY MAY 19 at 7:00 p.m.
- Advance Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8721962123169598467
- Final Agenda & Summary/ Background Documents: http://athleticsontario.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/AO-Connect-2-May-19-1.pdf
- Notes/ survey/ feedback (please review and submit before the meeting): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fQ8iPWLN3XbcwPNoH4oMchJ5iRXUz5WgXkRmFcGWpb4/viewform?c=0&w=1
- Topic Suggestions: to recommend other topics you would like to see on the agenda, please include in survey.
- Contribution: if you have the opportunity to speak on the topic, please summarize your points or email in advance – we will try to facilitate as many attendees to contribute based on the size of the group.
Our meeting will include a brief (~10 min) discussion on some of the most important topics/issues that are relevant to clubs and coaches. Please find the full agenda and briefing notes for this, and past meetings at: http://athleticsontario.ca/toolbox-2/. Upcoming May 19 topics include:
- Strategy for Inclusion & Participation
- Club Mentoring/ Best Practices
- Officials/Volunteer Recruitment & Training
- OFSAA Regional Sanctioning & Approval
- Facilities upgrades
- Other News (Espoir, Coach Evaluations at AO Junior Championships, Coaching Requirements and timelines)
- Ongoing Action log
- AO Member Club Executive(s)
- AO Member Coach(es)
- Katie Ozolins, Executive Director
- Anthony Biggar, Manager, MSPD
- Other AO team members as required
Looking forward to having you join and contribute to the development and success of Athletics in Ontario!
-Athletics Ontario Connect Team