Teacher In-Service & Community Coach (NCCP)
Date: Saturday November 29, 2014
Time: 8:30am-4:30pm
Venue: Canada Summit Centre – Active Living Centre
Address: 20 Park Drive, Huntsville ON P1H 1P5 (entrance at rear of building)
Hosted by: Athletics Ontario
- $40 per person (non-members)
- $30 per person (AO members & Huntsville Sport Council members)
To Register, Contact: Lindsay Fetterley
[email protected]
705.789.4771 x35
Included in the fees are: Teacher Resource, Reference Guide, Instructor’s Workbook, Technical Progressions & CD.
Registration Deadlines: Monday November 24.
Prerequisites: Pre-Course Reading:
Learning Facilitator: Val Sarjeant.
Clothing: Bring clothing for light activity.
Comfort Inn
Rodeway Inn