The information below relates to sanctioning for indoor and outdoor track and field competitions, as well as cross-country races. Inquiries may be directed to Randolph Fajardo, Technical Manager.

Track & Field, Cross Country, Road Walking Sanctioning Application Document

For road and trail races please apply for sanctioning here.

Starting in 2023, Athletics Ontario rolled out a tiered sanctioning system (Gold, Silver, Bronze) in order to help members determine which competitions will have performances included in the World Athletics world rankings and Athletics Canada national rankings. Each tier of sanctioning will require specific requirements that will align with national and international rule requirements. For a breakdown of the requirements for each tier of sanctioning, please download the sanctioning application form linked above.

EXTREME WEATHER GUIDELINES – Athletics Ontario has published recommended actions to help meet directors prepare or make decisions for competitions. Please review the recommendations and plan accordingly for an inclement weather condition prior to the delivery of your competitions.

OFFICIAL’S POST-EVENT SURVEY – Only events that have received World Athletics sanctioning will need to have their chiefs or referees complete a post-event survey for each event discipline after the completion of the competition. Any questions or concerns about the post-event survey should be directed to [email protected].


  1. In order to be recognized by Athletics Ontario (AO), a competition not conducted under the sanction or authority of any of the following jurisdictions and in which all participants are not covered by an insurance policy carried by same jurisdictions must be sanctioned by AO:
    • Royal Canadian Legion
    • Primary and Secondary Schools
    • Military
    • Universities and Colleges
    • Athletics Canada
    • World Athletics
  1. For liability reasons, Open events conducted within competitions held under any of the above jurisdictions may not be sanctionable by AO.
  1. Organizers of all AO-sanctioned competitions and events automatically receive liability insurance.
  1. Athlete participants in AO-sanctioned meets or events must sign a waiver form and turn it in to meet organizers prior to competing. Athletes under the age of 18 years must, in addition, have a parent or legal guardian sign the form. If a Power of Attorney form is on file at AO an authorized person may sign on behalf of the athlete/parent.
    • Normally, a new waiver form is required for each meet. Athletics Ontario must be named in the waiver as a protected party and the forms must be kept on file for at least 7 years following the competition.
  1. AO meet sanctions are primarily intended for events organized for members of AO or of other branches of AC or WA member countries. If meet organizers choose to make their events open to non-members they are required to pay an additional amount to cover insurance premiums. It is recommended that non-AO-registered entrants be charged a higher entry fee to help recoup the sanction/insurance fee.
  1. The granting of sanctions by AO is subject to the meet organizers agreeing to the “Conditions of Sanction” outlined in the sanctioning application form.
  1. Events that are in conflict with AO Championships or other important competitions may be denied sanction for the date requested. Meet organizers whose competitions may conflict with other events on the schedule should apply early to allow AO officials sufficient time to assess possible impacts and offer solutions satisfactory to all involved.
  1. Some competitions not conducted by clubs may apply for Approved Status.  This mostly relates to the recognition of results by Athletics Canada.  Please note that Athletics Ontario conflict policy does not apply to AO-approved meets. Also, the meet organizers must have permission to use the competition facility and must have insurance coverage by the overseeing authority (university, board, school, etc.) in order for their competition to be eligible for Approved status.

For further information please review the sanctioning document linked at the beginning of this website.



Indoor Competitions

Commitment to Host: Including the complete sanction application and payment of the Sanction Fee.

Indoor competition sanctioning fees for applications received on or before October 31

Gold Label Silver Label Bronze Label
World Athletics Sanctioning $50 CAD $50 CAD *optional* Not eligible
AO-member Provincial Sanctioning $50 CAD $50 CAD $25 CAD
Non-member Provincial Sanctioning $75 CAD $75 CAD $50 CAD


Indoor competition sanctioning fees for applications received on or after October 31

Gold Label Silver Label Bronze Label
World Athletics Sanctioning $50 CAD $50 CAD *optional* Not eligible
AO-member Provincial Sanctioning $100 CAD $100 CAD $50 CAD
Non-member Provincial Sanctioning $150 CAD $150 CAD $100 CAD


Outdoor Competitions

Commitment to Host: Including the complete sanction application and payment of the Sanction Fee.

Outdoor competition sanctioning fees for applications received on or before March 31

Gold Label Silver Label Bronze Label
World Athletics Sanctioning $50 CAD $50 CAD *optional* Not eligible
AO-member Provincial Sanctioning $50 CAD $50 CAD $25 CAD
Non-member Provincial Sanctioning $75CAD $75CAD $50 CAD


Outdoor competition sanctioning fees for applications received on or after March 31

Gold Label Silver Label Bronze Label
World Athletics Sanctioning $50 USD  $50 CAD *optional* Not eligible
AO-member Provincial Sanctioning $100 CAD $100 CAD $50 CAD
Non-member Provincial Sanctioning $150 CAD $150 CAD $100 CAD


Please note:

  1. Fees will be invoiced to clubs/organizations after sanctioning has been granted to the applicant. Sanctioning fees may be paid online via credit card.
    • An invoice will be emailed to the applicant from the AO Office Manager with an online credit card payment option.
    • If paying by cheque, make cheques payable to Athletics Ontario. Must be received 10 business days after being granted sanctioning for the competition (s).
  2. Insurance Fees: Upon conclusion of the competitions, you are required to send a Hy-Tek results backup file to the AO Competitions & Technical Manager. You will then be invoiced an insurance fee for non-registered athletes (non-members) at a rate of $2.00 each.
  3. All fees are subject to increase without notice.
  4. Completed sanctioning documents can be emailed to Manager Competitions and Technical Specifications [email protected].



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