
Name: Sarah Wells 
Nickname: Wellsy
Hometown: Markham/Unionville
Day job or school or other: RBC Olympian on the marketing floor
Involvement in athletics (athlete, coach, official) and event: Athlete
Other hobby: Watching Ted Talks
Favorite athlete/ superhero: My brother Andrew Wells
Favorite piece of equipment/ clothing: A hurdle
What shoes you train in/ compete in: Nike R4
Social media handles: @sarahwells400mh
Track and field has been a part of my life for over a decade. When I started hurdling in high school it was just for fun but I soon fell in love with the sport and have kept with it ever since. I have had the pleasure to compete all over the world and along the journey I’ve meet some amazing people.

I spend my hours outside of training doing as much public speaking as possible and enjoy watching Ted talks online.